Friday, February 8, 2013

Heartthoughts-Prayer Room with a View

House Hunters is one of my favorite television programs.  I usually turn it on when I am tired, and as often as not, I doze through part of it, but the calm, repititious segments insure that I don't miss anything.  I also like House Hunters International, where people, mostly Americans, are looking for a place abroad.  I've noticed that in the smaller spaces offered in foreign countries, a view is a big plus.  Often, it is the deciding factor in cinching the deal.

In a show I saw today, I could see why.  The small, cramped  rooms in London were uninspiring to the young couple, but when they were directed to the view, their whole attitude changed.  Even my spirits were picked up by a beautiful vista of wide, blue sky, colorful housetops and quaint architecture.  For those desiring proximity to water, an ocean view is a highly sought after asset.  Nature and the outdoors calm and soothe the spirit, giving rest and refreshing to the psyche, vitality and perspective to the mind.

I was reminded of a Bible verse mentioned in our Bible study recently: "Where there is no vision, the people perish," Proverbs 29:18a.  That can be applied many ways, one of which might mean "having nothing to look forward to."  A popular saying is that people need three things to be happy: Something to do, someone to love, and something to hope for.

Another way of wording the scripture is "Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint."(NKJ). The rest of the verse says, "But he that keepeth the law, happy is he."  According to Strongs Commentary, vision can also be interpreted "revelation, especially a vision from God."

It follows that when a people does not recognize, see, or acknowledge God in their collective mindset, they are headed for trouble, which is the situation in our country today. It is apparent that many of our leaders want to erase any vestige of God from the national conciousness. Without a moral compass, there is little reason to be law-abiding, decent citizens, which is why we are seeing mass shootings, abortions and the degradation of our society.

 John 1:36 says of John, "And looking upon Jesus as He walked, he saith "Behold the Lamb of God!"  He is the One we are to behold in our spirits.  There is no greater view.

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