Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Falling Apart? Not in a Million Years!

“I want you all to be schizophrenic!” the evangelist surprised us by exclaiming. His next words clarified what he meant. “Some people say if you talk to God, that is wise. But if God talks to you, you are schizophrenic! So I want you to be schizophrenic!”

This unorthodox preacher held us on the edge of our seats in every service, it seemed. He was always enlarging our minds and presenting new ways of thinking about old truths that left us hungry for more. His impassioned messages left us with hearts crying out for more of the Holy Spirit who was so in evidence in the meetings.

Last night the minister began by giving us mind-boggling revelation about the size of the universe that God has created. He showed that our sun is the size of a basketball compared to the pea that is the earth, saying that a million earths could fit inside the sun. The nearest star is 8.5 light years away, and a light year is the distance that light can travel in one year, or six trillion miles!

Citing scriptures like Jeremiah 51:15 which says, “He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heaven by his understanding,” and “All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made," John 1:3, he established the vastness of God for us.

Stressing that Colossians 1:17 teaches that by Him all things are held together, the evangelist gave a fascinating illustration of what he called “God’s Super Glue”. Having worked as a surgery tech as well as a Bible school professor, he was very familiar with medical knowledge and the anatomy of the human body. He had learned of a major protein in the body which literally holds us together. It is known as laminin, and without it, the flesh would not stay on our bones. The amazing thing about it is that under a microscope it can be see that it is in the shape of a cross!

How amazing to know that God not only created the infinite universe, but that he also created the intricacies of the human body and left his fingerprint there! Not only are we held together physically by the cross (laminin), we are also held together spiritually by the Cross! The writers of the scriptures had no way of knowing this about our bodies when they penned the above verses! Thank God that they and we take by faith our salvation, but a modern scientific discovery stands in mute testimony of the God who created us all! He is talking to us!

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