Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Angels in the Room

 Today I walked into a bedroom of our daughter's house where I have come since the loss of my husband, Howard.  I remembered it was the room where we always stayed when we came to visit, which was only a few months ago. Then it hit me! This is where Howard saw the angel! He told me that as he entered the room, an angel passed by, not speaking, but giving him a warm smile!

"What did he look like?" I questioned, to which Howard described that the angel was wearing ordinary clothes, a tall handsome figure as he walked away.

I was reminded that during Howard's illness when I was so worried and exhausted, I had a beautiful dream. He was standing beside me, tall and youthful in perfect health. I was so happy, then I went back to sleep and had the same dream again! I woke up full of joy and relief, only to find him still in the hospital bed where he slept fitfully.

One night as his time was drawing nearer, some of the family was gathered in his room as we sang hymns accompanied by the strums of a guitar from a grandson. A few minutes later, Howard aroused, and said, "Who is that standing over there?" We looked, seeing no one but the family. He insisted there was someone there.

It reminded me of when our daughter, Julie, was hospitalized from a horrific accident as a teen-ager. She told us someone was standing in the corner of the hospital room and asked who it was. We saw no one, but she insisted there was someone there.

In both incidents, I know there were angels in the room.

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