Saturday, February 17, 2018

Locked Out!

"How would you like potato soup for supper?" I asked my husband. We'd had a hearty lunch eating out, so I wasn't in the mood for a big meal.

"Sure! Sounds good!" Howard replied. I'm thankful he is so easy to please.

I set to work peeling and dicing potatoes and chopping an onion and a rib of celery. I soon had the pot on the stove with a low setting. Clearing up the counter, I impulsively decided to throw the vegetable leavings to the chickens. Howard was already out tossing corn to them, but how they loved kitchen scraps!

Though it was chilly out, I dashed out without a wrap and hurried down the slope to the chicken pen, enjoying watching the motley brood of hens and guineas scrambling for the tidbits.

Just then my farmer wanna-be called out with something he wanted me to do.

"No, I have to get back to the soup on the stove!" I protested, shivering as I hurried, half running, back to the house.

Imagine my surprise and shock when I couldn't get the back door open! I ran to the front door, hoping it wouldn't be locked. It was!

"Howard!" I yelled, but the wind was catching my voice carrying it away from him! He went on with his chores, oblivious to my shouting that the door was locked and the kitchen was probably in smoke!

Frantic, I tried the back door again. No use! I knew our grandson was upstairs in his room, but he usually couldn't hear with his door closed, which is why I use the phone to call him. I had no phone with me! I had already tried the front door bell, but no response!

I was desperate! I leaned on the doorbell over and over, even rapping as hard as I dared on the window glass! Then noticing our car was parked nearby, I threw open the driver's door and held down the horn! Just then the front door opened and there was Adam, looking puzzled.

"Oh, at last!" I breathed. "How did you hear me? The car horn?" He said no, it was the rapping on the window!

I rushed into the kitchen, and to my relief, the soup was barely simmering. Thank you, Lord! No smoke was in the air, nor any burning stench!

It's not fun to be locked out! Many references in the Bible speak of being "locked out" of heaven. Luke 13:24, "Strive to enter in at the strait gate:for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able." Verse 27 says, "But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence you are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity."

Matthew 25 records Jesus' story of the ten virgins, five of whom could not enter heaven because they had neglected sufficient oil for their lamps. "And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came: and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut." Make sure you're not shut out!

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