Thursday, August 17, 2017

Ever-present Help in Tiime of Need

I had a sinking feeling as I digested my son's words. To my question as to whether he would meet us as planned at our 3-hour layover in Ft. Worth, he replied, "No, I can't do that. I have to work." Several times before when we had taken the Amtrak train to visit our youngest son's family in Houston, Trevor met us there and took us to lunch and a brief sight-seeing tour to pass the time.

I told him that was fine, since it would've meant a long drive for him anyway, but inside, I was panicking. How I dreaded us struggling with bulky luggage (I always pack too much), pulling it nearly half a block, over tracks, and finally to the train station to wait out the hours, then repeating the process and boarding again! We hadn't done that since Howard's heart surgery several months ago, and I was concerned.

That morning while we waited at the station to begin our trek homeward after an eventful week at son Jamie's house, we kept getting updates that the train was running late. Actually, we didn't mind, since that would reduce our waiting time at Ft. Worth, where we would board The Heartland Flyer for the remainder of our trip back to Oklahoma.

We settled in for the ride, going to the observation car for awhile, enjoying the scenic view of big sky, West-Texas hill country. Finally we decided to get something to eat, although the prices on trains are triple anywhere else. (We had brought food for the trip going down, but we soon tired of it and ate in the dining car as a splurge.) This time we visited the Cafe' and it helped pass the time.

As we were nearing our stop, I was surprised to hear Howard inquiring of an attendant if there was a porter or anyone who could help us with our bags. Incredibly, she said, "Yes, we have a "People Mover." I had seen luggage on carts on previous trips, but I always assumed they were for a long-distance baggage car! As soon as we got off the train, they sent the vehicle for us and our luggage, which they held for us. We couldn't believe it! They even came and got us when The Heartland Flyer arrived and took us and the luggage to the boarding area.

That was an answer to prayer! Howard told me that he had prayed earlier that we would get help! And to think it was available all along! I couldn't help but think about how Jesus wants us to call on Him, for he will bear our burdens. We go along struggling over heavy loads of worry, troubles, or anticipated problems, when if we will only ask, He will carry our baggage!

Despite the lost time due to heavy rail traffic, we made it to our destination right on the dot! We were met by our son Greg who saw us safely the rest of the way home. Jesus will do the same!

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