Monday, May 22, 2017

School's Out!

Wow! Three graduations in the family in a week's time! Our grandson Adam graduated college, our granddaughter Rachel graduated high school, and our great-grandson Gavin graduated kindergarten! We are so proud of them all!

Gavin is the little boy, who, in  trying to figure life out, after asking the blessing over the food at the table one day, asked his father, "Dad, do pray over your food at work?" Our grandson told him that he prays a silent prayer over his lunch. That night, Gavin announced, "I said a silent prayer over my lunch at school  today!"

A few days later, his dad found out some older boys at school were rough with Gavin on the playground. He was ready to go confront the boys, but Gavin protested, "No, Daddy, we have to walk in love!" He had paid attention to his grandfather's sermon that Sunday!

I remember baby-sitting Rachel in her kindergarten days. Her favorite after-school activity was to play school, with herself as the teacher and me as the pupil! Her pencil rapped authoritatively if I did not do things  the way her teacher taught her! Now she is an accomplished young woman, ready to face the world.

Since Gavin lives in Tennessee, and Rachel in Georgia, we were only able to attend Adam's graduation, at OSU in Stillwater. He proudly wore  the stole and chain around his neck, symbols of honor, as he received his degree in Chemical Engineering. They grow up so fast.

A graduation of another kind took place a few days ago, and we will say our final good-byes on Tuesday to a friend who has already left for heaven. Her graduation robe was white, and her award of honor a crown, I'm sure one with many stars. May that be our goal someday, when we finish our schooling here on earth!

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