Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Church Social

"Are you ready to go out into the winter wonderland?" quipped my daughter-in-law as she picked me up for the church ladies' Christmas party.  Pulling my wraps more tightly around me, I admitted it was awfully cold out there.  Temperatures had huddled in the low 20's all day, and I had complained profusely every time I'd ventured outdoors.

Stepping outside, I caught my breath. Downy flakes were falling thick and fast in a curtain of snow! So that's what she meant!  Our porch light illuminated a swirling blizzard, magnified dramatically as we drove into the night.  How beautiful!  Our first snowfall, not counting the scanty dusting we'd had recently. Suddenly it felt Christmas-y and festive, adding a note of adventure to our outing!

We picked our way carefully up the church stairs through the feathery carpet spreading beneath our feet.  Inside, a sea of red and green spread out on tables met my eye, and I remembered belatedly we were to make crafts, not particularly my cup of tea. A member in a red sweater was decorating a shimmering aluminum tree where I put down the present for the gift exchange, then balanced my plate of deviled eggs and placed them on the counter.

After sampling the delicacies and chatting over the Christmas goodies, we milled through the craft supplies, admiring the examples our leader had made: Ribbon wreaths, centerpieces, and door hangers. Demonstrating by bending a clothes hanger for a base, she made it look easy, so soon I was constructing my own door hanger.  My adventures with the glue gun got me a burnt finger, but a helpful college miss deftly fastened my ornaments to the base of greenery I managed to twist through the hanger.  Topped by a (bit-lopsided) bow and hung on the knob of a display cabinet at home later, my efforts looked credible.

Games of identifying Christmas Bible characters pinned on our backs and writing as many words as possible from "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year," were fun and challenging.  The beautiful sample crafts were given as prizes for the winners of the word game, and although I was fast, younger minds outstripped me (but I know it was because I wrote longer words!).

Our evening was abbreviated a bit by uncertainties about the weather, but at least the snow was not icy, so driving conditions were manageable, if exhilarating.  As far as I know, everyone arrived at home safely, and, I am sure, cheered by the fun and fellowship, the glow of Christmas warming hearts and a winter wonderland to dream on. "Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow?" Job 38:22.  Tonight we had.

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