Sunday, October 21, 2012

Howard on Wheels

"Are you ready to go?" I asked my husband.  We had been feeding chickens and the dog at our son's place in the country while they were out of town.

"No," he replied, his eyes fixed on the 4-wheeler, parked tantalizingly nearby.  "Let's take a ride.  Greg said it would be okay."  At first, I demurred, but then I thought, Why not?  I figured we'd ride up to the pond, turn around and come back.  Not!

"How far are you going?" was my anxious query, clinging on behind him on my uncomfortable perch as he revved up the engine and we sped past the lake.  What was I thinking?  He was headed to the far end of the pasture!  I'd had a ride before with my daughter-in-law, but I'd had a pillow they kept for such purposes, and she listened when I asked her to take it easy!

"Don't go over the humps!" I pleaded, as we headed toward the first of several berms in the terrain put there to prevent erosion on the slopes.  My words were lost on the rushing air as he yelled, "What?" and ignored me.  Each time we approached the mounds, I feared a drop off, then was relieved when the ground magically smoothed out before us.

Soon we were at the top of the pasture, and he was looking for a gate leading to an outer fence by the road.  "I want to check out the fences and find where that cow went through!"  So that was it!  A sedated long-horn that had resisted transport by the former owner had reportedly gone through a section of fence before she was caught, and he was curious about the damage.

On and on we went, circling the whole 30 acres.  "Stop!" I yelled, as a virtual cliff came into view.  I hadn't seen that before!  Trees were clinging by their roots at the edge of a dramatic drop of several feet near the main highway.  My energized driver swerved just in time. 

"There it is!" I pointed, as we slowed at a damaged section of fence.  Now maybe we could go back. Wishful thinking!  Finally I spotted the peaceful scene of the large oak holding the rope swing our son had put up for the kids the other day.  I couldn't believe it when I was at last allowed to dismount.  Oh, my aching back from those unpadded jolts! 

"That was horrible!" I complained as I maneuvered my (not long) legs stiffly from behind him and got off.  "Did you enjoy it?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Yes!  I thought it was wonderful!" he said maddeningly.  He would, I realized.  A contoured, comfy seat, being in control, the wind in his face, gripping the handlebars with a front-seat view!  He was Steve Mcqueen!

Oh, well, I couldn't begrudge him a little enjoyment, I realized.  It reminded me of life, as I thought about it later.  We can either protest, not trusting our Driver, and see the negative, fearful side of everything or relax and enjoy the ride!  I must admit, the view was great at the top, looking down on the bucolic scene below.  It would have been fun if I hadn't been so timid.  Lesson learned:  Don't be afraid to try new things.  It can stretch your faith!

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