Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Right Under My Nose

"Home Sweet Home," I noticed written in big, blue, letters on one of the rolls of paper towels after  the checker had bagged them.  "Look, Howard," I smiled.

"That's confirmation," he grinned.  We were shopping for cleaning supplies to freshen the house we were about to move back into after the tenant vacated it yesterday. We had been sharing our son's family's home for the past several months, and, as much as we enjoyed it, I was having  nesting instincts for my own place.  Now we as excited as new householders!

I can't wait to use my favorite dishes again and take up the creative roles of cooking, cleaning, decorating and managing my own home once more!  It has been nice to have a cleaning lady, cook only twice a week (we take turns), and have less responsibility, even in a busy household.  We  were even considering moving nearer our daughters, but relocating nearly a thousand miles away seemed too big a hurdle.

We are still in for a lot of work, but we can take our time, and it is nothing like moving across the country.
As I took in the dear, familiar rooms when we inspected the house, I wondered why it had seemed too small.  It was huge!  Most other houses we had seen didn't even have a dining room, but this one was commodious enough to hold the dining room furniture we'd had for nearly fifty years, and then some.

I'd forgotten how much I loved the high ceilings, wide baseboards, fireplace and built-in bookcase.  This house was pretty!  Besides, it had a screened front porch.  The swing will have to be hung again, unless I decide on different porch furniture.  Decisions, decisions.  Thank you, Lord, for making it all fall into place.

Last night I heard a television message by Joseph Prince, and he said it is unnecessary to plead, "Jesus, be with me today," and prayers like that, for Jesus has said he will be with us always!  My daughter wrote a post that once when she had a disagreement with her husband as a newlwed, she dashed out into the pasture and was telling God all about it, wondering if He heard her and telling Him He seemed a million miles away.  Just then a bull she had forgotten about advanced toward her, and running for her life, she barely beat him to the fence she went under.  Thanking God, she said she would never pray a prayer like that again, because He was there all time "closer than our nearest breath."

God knows the desires of our hearts, and he had my answer all along, delivered just when I was ready for it.  He knew I wasn't ready for assisted living yet!

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