Monday, May 7, 2012

Comedy of Errors

"Look what I got at the estate sale!" I said to my son, showing him the cutest little soap dish--a miniature bathtub with a disheveled housewife's head and feet sticking out of the tub.

"That's a cartoon character, you know," he smiled. I knew I'd seen her somewhere! Later I noticed the comic in the Sunday paper. That was after I'd had my own frazzled day, which started in the wee hours when my husband woke me out of a sound sleep and asked me if I'd put the roast in the oven yet. This was Sunday, and it was my turn to cook dinner.

"What time is it?" I asked, groggily. It couldn't be morning yet, I thought. He said it was about 5:00, still way to early for me to get started on my cooking. I looked at the clock and saw it was 2:00 a.m.! After a restless few hours, I started numbly to the kitchen and fumbled around with preparations for lunch. I could make it before church and keep it warm in the crock-pot.

Finding the right pan, finding my glasses to read the weight and cooking time for the meat, getting the red potatoes ready for roasting, and getting out carrots, I finally had the meal ready for the oven. I almost forgot. I wanted to make a peach cobbler for dessert. That done, there were two hours left before church. Plenty of time to eat and get ready.

Running my bath, I turned to go to the sink, stubbed my toe and grabbed a tiered corner stand. Crash! My cute soap dish! The only thing I'd really liked at the estate sale! I had put it there so it wouldn't get broken! Now a pursuit for the broom and dustpan from the basement stairwell. Shattered glass on ceramic tile would not be good.

Just as we were leaving for church, I find out half the family will not be there for lunch. We consider asking guests home to help eat the food, but decide on the fringe benefit of leftovers.

Looking at the church bulletin when I am seated in the pew, I am surprised to read there will be a luncheon following the service. I hadn't known about it! The women's director got up to explain. It seems on Friday, the ladies were scheduled to feed the patrons of the Senior's center, and had prepared several roasts, trimmings and desserts. When they brought the food to the center, another set of volunteers was already there frying fish! A mix-up! Voila! Save the food for an all-church dinner on Sunday!

Well, we couldn't go, since I had cooked and would be putting dinner on the table for my son, grandson, my husband and me. The food was delicious, and despite the mix-ups and disasters, a good Sunday was had by all! Even though I did feel a bit like the wife from the comic strip, "For Better or for Worse"!

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