Wednesday, April 13, 2011

That's Freaky!

Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. A friend wrote that while standing on a stool vacuuming a shelf, she let go of the extension for a minute and it flew into her face and suctioned a hickey on her cheek!

Another friend was definitely having a bad day when her truck caught on fire on the way to work. Next she said she managed to spill most of her soda into her new purse, then rushing to the sink to rescue the floating contents, she tripped over her foot and hit her head against a freezer!

That rang a bell with me, bringing flashbacks of what happened once at the doctor’s office. I had gone to the restroom and was washing my hands with my open purse still on my shoulder. Suddenly it slid down my arm and under the gushing faucet. To my horror, it began to rapidly fill with water, with sodden tissue, money, and things I didn’t even know I had in my purse floating to the top.

Frantically, and laughing hysterically, I dumped everything on the counter and began to dry off my wallet. Thankfully I found important cards dry in their plasticized covers and was able to wipe dry the photos that had gotten wet. I composed myself and walked out as though nothing had happened. Ironically, I had gone to the doctor for a clean bill of health, and came out with a clean purse, as well!

Even worse was the time I was trying to remove a small spot on an article of clothing. I had poured some bleach into a glass and diluted it slightly with water. Just as I began to blot the offending spot, the phone rang. I talked a while with my daughter, then still reflecting on our conversation and thirsty from talking, I unconsciously picked up the glass and drank of the contents. Something’s not right, my mouth told me! Horror gripped me as I realized what I’d done. I quickly spewed the stuff into the sink and rinsed my mouth. I called poison control, and they didn’t think it was enough to hurt me, but my insides must have gotten sterilized that day!

Life is fraught with the unpredictable, and thankfully we can look back and laugh most of the time. Kids keep their guardian angels busy, but I think a close second is found in the occupational hazards of the every day housewife.

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