Tuesday, June 15, 2021

rth If It Be in Tune..."'

 What a wonderful day!  Howard's birthday and the weather was perfect...what is so rare as a day in June?...  We rode with with the windows down in his truck as we struck out to enjoy "his" day.  His latest obsession is fixing up the back yard, so the first stop was to a farm store to buy fescue seed. (It's supposed to grow in shade.)  Then a swooping drive through Walmart's outdoor displays of garden soil, decorative rock, and mulch.  (We would return later for a steel rake to prep the soil for the grass seed.)

After fining flowering plants on sale and considering cushions for lawn furniture, we decided to check on the lawn swing we'd seen the other day.  It was on sale for only a little more than half it's original price!  "You'll have to pay extra to buy the one on the floor, since it's already assembled," the clerk said.  My husband's male ego made him say he would do it himself.

Well, it would have been well worth the $15, since it took us nearly three hours of "easy assembly" to put it together.  We're both wiped out, now, but it is beautiful, in a rustically-elegant sort of way.  We've been resting before going to our kids' for a birthday supper.  Then we're all going to church together, a perfect ending to his special day.

It may be Howard's birthday, but I am so excited I feel like it's mine!  I learned today that a proof copy of my second book, "Seasons of the Heart," is on the way and should be here in a few days!  It looked so good  when I looked up  the status on the internet.  I plan to speed read it and make any corrections, and hopefully have published copies by the end of the month!

Sometimes God answers prayers in multiples.  Howard had a prayer answered Monday, I had prayed that the book would be ready this month; and my laryngitis is gone!  Like I said, it was a beautiful day, and June is only half over...the best is yet to be: my birthday, our anniversary, and Father's Day.  Maybe a day in June isn't such a rare thing, after all!

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