Tuesday, June 9, 2020


We needed a screen for our front door. Not a screen door, but one to hang from the top of the door. A granddaughter heard of this and immediately ordered one on line. The innovative mesh screen, divided in the middle, mesh curtains held together by magnets, is very useful in preventing flying insects. No longer does a bee, wasp, or housefly sail inside when a door is open.

I'm reminded of how we must screen out many things in life. Presentations on television or movies often must be prevented in being viewed.  We scan books or magazines that are deemed improper and screen them out. Just as we don't want spiders, dirt, or insects intruding into our homes, neither should we allow unseemly thoughts, ideas, or actions enter our lives.

When our screen was delivered, Howard and I eagerly unwrapped the carton and examined all the pieces to install the screen. Things went okay until we realized that neither of us could reach high enough, nor stand on something safely enough to hang the screen. We put it aside for a few days.

Then the other day our grandson, Caleb, a tall young man, came over, looked at the material, and in the matter of a few minutes, our screen was in place! What a blessing it is! The fresh air floating inside is so refreshing.I can keep an eye on Howard as he sits at a table on the porch studying books or Bibles, or I can easily take him a glass of iced tea.

I can't help but think of another young man who lived on the earth until he was 33 years old, then bore all our sins and sorrows by giving His life on the cross. He is our ever help in time of need: Jesus! I can only imagine the mishaps, dangers, and frailties He screens for us!

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