Friday, October 6, 2017

Eye Opener!

What shall I make for breakfast? I mused before I got up this morning. Already this week we'd had biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs and sausage, oatmeal and strawberries, and fried eggs and bacon. I knew what sounded good: blueberry pancakes! We'd bought blueberries a couple of days ago, and I couldn't wait to taste their deliciousness!

I went into the kitchen and got out the pancake mix, stirred up the batter and opened the fridge for the blueberries. Hm. I didn't see them. After shuffling through everything on the shelves and in the crisper drawers, I called to Howard, "Where are the blueberries? They're not here!"

He had no clue, and I repeatedly searched the refrigerator. "Maybe we left them in the car," I speculated hopefully, "I'll go see." It was still dark out and had been raining, but I was determined to find what I was craving. Besides, I noticed other things were missing, too: strawberries, refrigerated breakfast rolls and a can of biscuits! There was no bag of groceries in the car.

"You must have left them in the shopping cart!" Howard ventured, but the cart was empty when I returned it for the 25 cent deposit! I concluded we had left a bag on the counter when we bagged the groceries. He said, no, there were five bags, and we brought 5 bags into the house!

I gave up in frustration, and said, "Why don't you pray?" He did pray that we would find the missing groceries. I was resignedly getting ready to put the plain batter onto the griddle when Howard said, "There it is!"

What? Sure enough, a bag of groceries was sitting on a small bench in the corner just inside the kitchen door where I had set them down when we came in from shopping! Not only did I find the blueberries and things I missed, but also a head of lettuce, green peppers and broccoli! Everything looked fine, and we had blueberry pancakes for breakfast!

Why couldn't I see them? It reminded me of the story in II Kings 6:17 when the servant of the prophet Elisha saw the city of Dothan surrounded by an army of horses and chariots. He said to Elisha, "Alas, my master! What shall we do?"

The Bible says, "And Elisha prayed, and said, "Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of chariots and fire all around Elisha.

God still answers prayer!

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