Thursday, August 6, 2015

Wake Up!

One of the points in our Women's Bible Study last night was, The fully awake respond. It was part of a lesson by Lisa Bevere, Awaken the Lioness in You, a call to Christian women to become actively engaged in reaching the lost.

Our facilitator related that on her trip to Canada from which she had just returned, she met someone in distress and surprised herself by giving exactly the right words that ministered to the person. Our leader said she was glad that she was awake to what God wanted her to say.

One woman shared that, although she had been a sympathetic ear to a friend going through long-standing problems, sometimes she knew she wasn't really listening or empathizing, and the friend did not seem to be coming out of her difficulties.  Then one day at a meeting something was said that caught her attention, awakening her and galvanizing her to action.  She spoke words to her friend who suddenly seemed herself to awaken and comprehend, tears streaming down her face in the realization of God's love.  It was a turning point for her.

Yesterday my husband and I were in a store and when checking out at the counter, the clerk asked us if we wanted to donate school supplies for children of military personnel. My husband is usually the conversationalist with checkers, and I normally look on in amusement.  He mentioned that since we had already paid, we would do that next time we were in.

"Our church is having a Back-to-School Bash this Sunday with backpacks and school supplies to be given away," I heard myself saying.

The cashier looked up with interest. "Really?" she exclaimed in surprise.  "Where is the church?" We told her, and she immediately grabbed paper and pen and wrote down the directions.  "That is so wonderful!  I have kids and I need all the help I can get!" As I noticed her more closely, I was aware of the lines crossing her care-worn face and realized she was probably working at this low-paying job to make ends meet.
I had only made the remark casually, having no idea of her response.  Whether the Lord put the words in my mouth or heart, I'm not sure, but I was awakened to say something!  Apparently, she had never heard of our church, so maybe this will be a connection for her to know that there are people out there who care.  It may be an opportunity for the church to awaken her to the love of Jesus, showing that we are awake and respond!

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