Saturday, February 4, 2012

Stand by Me

"Boo-hoo-hoo!" groaned 6-year-old Joy, "I don't wanna do my homework!" It was an every-night hassle as she half-heartedly scrawled her spelling words in practice. "I can't remember them!" she protested.

Why was she having so much trouble? This lively, almost-seven-girlchild loved dancing around energetically doing ballet leaps and springs, or singing loudly to something plugged in her ear. Except for her almost-obligatory moaning over school work, she was cheerful and caring, exhibiting grown-up patience with the little firecracker who was her younger sister. "Don't cry," she spoke in soothing, velvet tones to her after their tussle over fingernail polish. "Let me polish your nails. Someday you'll have a daughter, and she'll like nail polish, too," she crooned.

After re-taking her test on which she'd missed six the first time, she still missed four words on her practice test. "Let me write them on my hand!" she surprised us by sobbing desperately as she was almost forcibly urged to the car for school yesterday. Where did she learn that? My daughter-in-law drilled her all the way to school, offering coins as a reward for effort. Imagine our surprise last night when her foster daughter came home from school all smiles with a note from the teacher that she had scored 100% on the test!

Her victory has done wonders for her self-confidence. She had faced her fears and overcome. Sometimes as adults we feel (if not act), the same way. I know I do. I can dread something, even losing sleep over it, but it usually turns out fine once I undertake it. For instance, unlike my husband, I am not a public speaker. In small groups or one on one, I am fine, but getting up in front of people and speaking makes my mouth go dry and my brain freeze up.

I finally figured out the secret, though. When asked to teach adult Sunday School, I found myself planning everything I said in advance, and worrying that I would finish too soon, start rambling, etc. But when I actually taught, the combination of class discussion, the ideas the Lord gave me, and my preparation, made a successful presentation. I hadn't figured in the audience! And I hadn't figured in the Lord's presence and help!

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me," Philippians 4:13. The Bible says He is an ever-present help in time of need. I'm trying to remember that, because I have been asked to speak to at the Wednesday night church service in a couple of weeks! Lord, help me! And I know You will!

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